
churchdrawing1904: (JULY) St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church organized; constitution adopted; first Board of Elder elected.  (SEPT 30) New church building completed.

1906: Rev. Martin Niermann installed as first pastor, salary $460 per year plus horse feed; Christian Day School started.

1907: First class of confirmands received into membership; 1st Mission Festival held in Otto Redman’s grove.

1913: “Frauenverein” ladies group formed, later known as Ladies Aid Society.

1914: Church building moved to present location; school room enlarged.

1915: St. Paul’s joined the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod

1917: New church cornerstone placed April 29th; New church dedicated Oct. 14 with 500-600 attending.

1919: 1st Board of Education elected.

1924: All children to receive a gift (candy and nuts) following children’s Christmas program.

1930’s: Finances strained; businesses advertised on back of bulletin; chains used to tether horses were sold 1935.

1938: St. Paul’s constitution translated to English from German language

1942: German services discontinued

1943: Ladies Aid Society affiliated with the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML).

1945: “Mother’s Club” changed to “Lutheran Ladies Circle;” hot lunch program began for church school’s students; Carson house purchased for $3,500, became teacherage.

1946: Kilgen Pipe Organ dedicated Feb. 10th; Lutheran Layman’s League formed June 13th.

1952: Church redecorated, rewired and new light fixtures installed.

1953: LLL dropped its membership in the LLL and became the Lutheran Fellowship League

1954: 1st Board of Trustees elected; church celebrates Golden anniversary

1958-1962: New parsonage built; old parsonage becomes teacherage.

1959: Sunday School Superintendent office created

1964: St. Paul’s Lutheran Women’s Missionary League formed Sept. 29.

1967: Church building and parsonage damaged by flood water June 13th.

1968: Christian Day School closed after much debate at special voter’s meeting.

1972: Lutheran Layman’s League received official sanction; new organ purchased for $12,000.

1979: New education wing formally dedicated Jan. 7.

1982: “Mortgage Burning” service held.

1989: Women eligible to become voting members.

1994: John Diener ordained – the 1st from our congregation and the 1st in our sanctuary.

1998: Paul Duffy ordained and installed as pastor June 28th.  Our 2nd ordination.

1999: “Four and Getting Ready” preschool established.

2002: Sharon Owens commissioned and installed as missionary to Macau, China, April 21st.

2004: 100th Anniversary celebrated July 25th.

2007: Fellowship Hall dedicated March 18th.

2009: Fellowship Hall debt retired; Began sponsorship of Russian orphanage.

2014: Church website launched – www.stpaulskenesaw.org.

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